6 Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Audiobook

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29. “Chapter 29 – The Phoenix Lament”

30. “Chapter 30 – The White Tomb”


Stephen Fry – Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Audio Book Free Online by J. K. Rowling (Book 6) Harry Potter Book 6


All HP Audiobooks:

HP 1 Stephen Fry             HP 1 Jim Dale

HP 2 Stephen Fry             HP 2 Jim Dale

HP 3 Stephen Fry             HP 3 Jim Dale

HP 4 Stephen Fry             HP 4 Jim Dale

HP 5 Stephen Fry             HP 5 Jim Dale

HP 6 Stephen Fry             HP 6 Jim Dale

HP 7 Stephen Fry             HP 7 Jim Dale

HP 8 J. K. Rowling

HP 9 J. K. Rowling

HP 10 J. K. Rowling

HP 11 J. K. Rowling




When Harry enters his sixth year at Hogwarts college of sorcery and creativeness, the planet is in turmoil. Voldemort’s army is gaining force and momentum, and tragedies square measure everyday occurrences. The Muggle world is experiencing nice loss and disturbance in addition, and concern abounds. The Prime Minister of the Muggle world meets with each the previous and current Ministers of Magic, and also the news isn’t sensible. it might appear that a war is at hand, and even Hogwarts is not entirely safe. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Audiobook.

After seeing Draco Malfoy conduct incomplete business at Borgin and Burkes at the start of the college year (while on a faculty provide looking trip with the Weasleys in Diagon Alley), Harry is convinced that Draco currently works for Voldemort and is plotting one thing huge. Harry take to pay his year at Hogwarts following Draco’s actions fastidiously. However, few believe Harry’s theory that Draco has become a Death Eater.

Hormones square measure raging at Hogwarts, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s friendships square measure place to the check. Daffo finds his 1st girlfriend in Lavender Brown, that sends Hermione into a poorly hid rage most of the time. Meanwhile, Harry begins to comprehend that he has feelings for Ginny Weasley, Ron’s sister. Harry Potter audiobook torrent.

The sixth year school assignment load is intense, and everybody (including Hermione) looks to struggle beneath the burden and issue of the work assigned . faculty member Snape has assumed the illustrious role of faculty member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he take to form Harry’s life miserable, ensuring to relinquish him detention whenever potential. faculty member Horace Slughorn joins the Hogwarts school because the new Potions teacher, and he finds Harry to be a Potions wiz (thanks to a cryptically useful used textbook Harry finds, that once belonged to a former student referred to as the Half-Blood Prince). To Hermione’s frustration, Harry follows the Half-Blood Prince’s tips and effortlessly excels in Potions. The sixth year is additionally the year within which Harry and his friends begin to find out the way to Apparate, or to travel from one place to a different as if by magic. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Audiobook by J. K. Rowling.

Throughout this sixth year, variety of tragedies and deep events strike members of the Hogwarts community. it might appear that there’s somebody among the walls of Hogwarts conducting dark magic, completing orders from the Dark Lord himself, and Harry is bent working out what precisely goes on. from time to time this mission of Harry’s is disappointed by different responsibilities, like captaining the Gryffindor Quidditch team, that seems to be a very powerful job. everybody expects Harry to steer Gryffindor to success, however his mind is elsewhere. Harry Potter half blood prince audiobook.

Dumbledore decides at the start of this academic year that he ought to take an even bigger role in Harry’s education, and he arranges for Harry to possess personal lessons with him each therefore usually. Harry, elated by this news, presently discovers that these personal lessons involve traveling into the reminiscences of these WHO knew Voldemort once upon a time. Over the course of many visits, Harry and Dumbledore venture into precious reminiscences, gathering essential info regarding Voldemort’s family, his childhood, his schooling at Hogwarts, and the way he came to be the Dark Lord. Free Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Audiobook read by Stephen Fry. The ultimate memory is one that Dumbledore desires most however is unable to acquire because it belongs to faculty member Slughorn, WHO has deliberately erased it exploitation difficult magic. Dumbledore implores Harry to win over Slughorn to relinquish him this memory, a task that proves nearly not possible, as Slughorn can stop at nothing to avoid Harry once he is aware of what Harry is when.

As luck would have it, Harry possesses a decent luck drink, Felix Felicis, that he attained for winning a contest in Potions category (thanks, Half-Blood Prince). One day, once Harry is all out of ideas regarding the way to get the memory from Slughorn, he drinks a part of the drink and, through a string of terribly lucky instances, is in a position to urge the memory from Slughorn.

When Dumbledore and Harry travel into this explicit memory, they understand that it shows the instant at that Voldemort 1st learned regarding Horcruxes. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Audiobook. A Horcrux could be a powerful, outlaw quite Dark Magic that permits the soul to be divided, giving its owner the flexibility to become immortal. once he was at Hogwarts, Voldemort once convinced Slughorn to relinquish him valuable info regarding Horcruxes, and what resulted was (Dumbledore supposes) a research to divide his soul seven times and to cover each bit in numerous vessels in locations round the world. exploitation the reminiscences that he has already collected touching on Voldemort, Dumbledore will observe guesses regarding wherever Voldemort’s Horcruxes could be. Harry Potter 6 audiobook. The sole thanks to kill Voldemort is to destroy each single Horcrux, which, Harry realizes, are going to be his final goal and mission in life.

After traveling to retrieve the primary Horcrux, a task that proves to be improbably tough, dangerous, and scary, Harry and Dumbledore arrive back at Hogwarts solely to search out that the castle has been invaded by Death Eaters. The Dark Mark (the sign of Voldemort) floats sort of a cloud over the castle tower. As Dumbledore and Harry fly to the tower over that the Dark Mark lingers, they discover that the Dark Mark could be a entice meant to lure Dumbledore to it terribly tower. Before he’s treed by Death Eaters, Dumbledore is in a position to use his magic to cover Harry and to form him quickly immobile and mute, so the Death Eaters won’t discover him. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Audiobook Free (torrent).

Draco Malfoy arrives 1st at the scene, his wand pointed at Dumbledore, intent upon killing him. Draco is nervous and shaky – it does not seem like he’ll be able to bear with killing the good wizard. however he is beneath orders from the Dark Lord, WHO has specifically expressed that nobody however Draco is allowed to kill Dumbledore that night. presently Draco is flanked by his fellow Death Eaters WHO taunt Dumbledore and urge Draco to tug the trigger. however Draco cannot couple. Then Snape arrives. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Full Audiobook Online (harry potter book 6 audiobook). Knowing that powerful Aurors bent protective Dumbledore have arrived, Snape kills Dumbledore, causing him tumbling off the sting of the tower.

Harry is swamped with grief. He watches Dumbledore die, and he cannot do a issue to save lots of him or facilitate him on account of the protecting magic Dumbledore had forged upon him. Harry runs downstairs to urge facilitate and finds his friends, teachers, and Aurors fighting the Death Eaters in an exceedingly violent battle. Blood is everybody, however nobody is hurt too badly. The Death Eaters leave, and Harry is unable to prevent Snape or to use his magic on him. A crowd has gathered around Dumbledore’s body, and Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix, sings a bereft song. Harry Potter and the half blood prince audiobook Stephen Fry. The college assembles to come to a decision what ought to be done next, and to think about closing Hogwarts permanently.

Dumbledore needed to be buried on college grounds. On the day of his ceremonial occasion, folks from everywhere the planet return to pay their respects. everybody from the Minister of Magic, to Hagrid’s mother, to the mermaids within the lake, to the centaurs within the forest show up to honor the best wizard within the world. Deep in his heart, Harry is aware of what he should do next. He should hunt Voldemort down and destroy every one of his Horcruxes. Daffo and Hermione swear to follow and support Harry notwithstanding what. Harry is left with an important heart, however with the data that he has sensible friends. Stephen Fry – Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Audiobook Free.