HP 1 – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Jim Dale

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Chapter 16 – Through The Trapdoor

Chapter 17 – The Man With Two Faces


Book 1: J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Narrated by Jim Dale


All HP Audiobooks:

HP 1 Stephen Fry             HP 1 Jim Dale

HP 2 Stephen Fry             HP 2 Jim Dale

HP 3 Stephen Fry             HP 3 Jim Dale

HP 4 Stephen Fry             HP 4 Jim Dale

HP 5 Stephen Fry             HP 5 Jim Dale

HP 6 Stephen Fry             HP 6 Jim Dale

HP 7 Stephen Fry             HP 7 Jim Dale

HP 8 J. K. Rowling

HP 9 J. K. Rowling

HP 10 J. K. Rowling

HP 11 J. K. Rowling




Eleven years agone, wizards rejoiced everywhere the globe, and Muggles (non-magic folk) were confused. They celebrated as a result of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was defeated. In different words, Voldemort (the evilest wizard around) killed Harry Potter’s folks, except For some strange reason, he could not kill very little baby Harry. Currently Voldemort looks to possess disappeared. Overnight, baby Harry has become a hero – “The Boy World Health Organization Lived.” Having lost his family and residential, Harry conjointly has become associate orphan. Dumbledore (the principle of Hogwarts faculty of creativity and Witchcraft), prof McGonagall (a teacher at Hogwarts), and Hagrid (a groundsman at Hogwarts) realize a home for baby Harry along with his Muggle nuclear family, the Dursleys. Jim Dale Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Free.

Cut to gift day, once ten-year-old Harry lives along with his super-mean aunty and uncle and their son Dudley. after they move to the zoological garden for Dudley’s birthday, Harry encounters a sympathetic snake. He is ready to speak to the friendly craniate and somehow looks to possess removed the glass from its cage, therefore it will return to Brazil. when the trip to the zoological garden, mysterious letters begin inward for Harry. His uncle, Mr. Dursley, is furious and tries to stay them from Harry. Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone audiobook.

However the letters keep inward at such a speedy rate that, the evening before Harry’s eleventh birthday, his uncle takes the complete family to a deserted island to flee all of the mail.

They can’t hide for long, though; Hagrid shows au fait Harry’s birthday to deliver the letter, and also the news that Harry’s a wizard and has been admitted to the Hogwarts faculty of sorcery and creativity. Succeeding day he takes Harry to buy for varsity provides at Diagon Alley, wherever Harry learns a lot of regarding the wizarding world. He meets Malfoy (a bully) and Hogwarts’ new Defense Against the Dark Arts prof, Quirrell. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Listen Online.

Harry conjointly buys his initial wand. Sweeeet. Hagrid conjointly picks up a mysterious package at Gringotts, the evil spirit bank.

Later that summer, Harry travels to Hogwarts. He needs to take a train from platform 9 and three-quarters, a magic platform! A family known as the Weasleys helps him realize his means, and he begins to form friends with one in every of their sons, Ron. He meets different first students like Hermione creator and Neville Longbottom. Harry Potter sorcerer’s stone audiobook.

Upon their arrival at Hogwarts, the primary years ar Sorted into one in every of four homes (think dormitories). Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville ar all Gryffindors (a house illustrious for bravery); Malfoy may be a Slytherin (a house illustrious for ambition, and ill-famed for manufacturing dark wizards).

They start taking all types of categories in magic Harry dislikes the Potions teacher, Snape, World Health Organization is unfair and type of mean.  Streaming Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Jim Dale.

Harry learns that there was associate tried theft at Gringotts bank, however nothing was taken. He guesses that the robbers were when what Hagrid picked up. Hagrid lets it slip that it’s one thing to try and do with somebody known as Nicolas Flamel.

Malfoy becomes a giant bully. Throughout their initial broom-flying lesson, he teases Neville. In defensive Neville, Harry realizes he is a natural at flying. He is somebody on a handle. Harry Potter book 1 audiobook – Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone audiobook free. Though Harry’s broken rules by flying unattended, prof McGonagall rewards him by golf stroke him on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Seeker (a important position on the team).

Later, Malfoy and Harry have a fight, and Malfoy challenges Harry to a wizard duel at the hours of darkness. Hermione and Ron accompany Harry, however Malfoy does not show – he was making an attempt to urge them in hassle for roaming the college whereas they ought to be in bed. As they hurry to urge back to the quarters, the 3 friends stumble into a impermissible a part of Hogwarts, wherever they come across a three-headed monster dog. Luckily, they escape within the nick of your time. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Read by Jim Dale.

Harry and Ron don’t get beside Hermione, however structure after they rescue her from a troll that is terrorizing the college. Although they get in hassle to taking over the troll alone, they conjointly show their bravery. Currently the 3 ar indivisible.

As the initial Quidditch match approaches, the 3 friends suspect Snape of wanting the package from Gringotts. throughout the sport, Harry’s broom acts weird and looks to be unlucky . Harry’s saved, however his friends blame Snape for golf stroke him in peril. Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone audiobook free download mp3.

During the winter break, Harry stays at Hogwarts associated is given an invisibleness cloak that after belonged to his pop. He uses it to sneak round the castle and discovers the Mirror of Erised in one in every of Hogwarts’ several secret rooms. once he appearance into the mirror he sees his folks, however once he shares the mirror with Ron, Ron sees himself as a hero.

Dumbledore catches Harry at the mirror and explains that the mirror shows you your heart’s need. The wise previous wizard then says he is aiming to take the mirror away as a result of it’s dangerous.

When categories resume when winter break, Harry, Ron, associated Hermione discover World Health Organization Flamel is – an intellectual and also the solely person within the world to possess the Sorcerer’s Stone, which might offer immortality. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audio Book Free Online. They decide the Stone should be what was hidden at Gringotts and is currently being guarded by the three-headed dog.

When not making an attempt to unravel the mystery of bishop Flamel, Harry is making an attempt to balance Quidditch and faculty work. Gryffindor wins another Quidditch game, that Snape referees, and so Harry hears Snape and Quirrell contention.

Meanwhile, Hagrid adopts a dragon, that is illegitimate. Ron, Hermione, and Harry got to persuade him that is it’s simply not sensible to boost a baby dragon, and realize some way to export the dragon out. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook (harry potter audiobook jim dale). Malfoy spies on them and tries to show them in.

Once Harry and Hermione have with success sent the dragon get into the center of the night, they are caught by McGonagall – beside Neville, World Health Organization was making an attempt to warn them, and Malfoy, World Health Organization tattled – and ar given very massive detention. Gryffindor moves to the last place within the house cup contest, and everybody is de facto mad at them.

Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Malfoy have detention with Hagrid within the forest at midnight. Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone audiobook Jim Dale. They’re presupposed to discover what is killing unicorns and drinking their blood. Harry runs into some centaurs World Health Organization see hassle ahead within the stars. All of them understand that Voldemort is making an attempt to come which he is the one killing unicorns.

After the first exams, Harry, Ron, and Hermione speak with Hagrid and understand that he aforesaid an excessive amount of regarding the Sorcerer’s Stone to the mysterious unknown World Health Organization gave him the dragon. Harry, Ron, and Hermione suspect that Snape is when it. That night they struggle to retrieve the Stone. Neville tries to prevent them, so that they got to briefly paralyze him with magic.

They travel by the three-headed dog by enjoying it music, solely to fulfill with another series of challenges. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Free Torrent. First, they are cornered by a Devil’s Snare plant, then they need to catch a flying key, and so they need to play a life-size game of wizard chess. The chess takes Ron out, feat Harry and Hermione to unravel a logic puzzle and drink potions to travel forward. There is just enough for one, therefore Harry moves on and sends Hermione back for facilitate.

To Harry’s surprise, he runs into Quirrell, not Snape like he thought he would. Quirrell reveals that Voldemort resides in him sort of a parasite. (Eek!) He tries to use Harry to urge the Stone. He makes Harry use the Mirror of Erised, and Harry finds himself holding the Stone and lying regarding it. Quirrell/Voldemort tries to kill Harry, however once he touches Harry, he burns. Harry blacks out.

When Harry involves, he is within the hospital with Dumbledore, and Quirrell is dead. Dumbledore explains that Harry defeated Quirrell/Voldemort through the protection of his mother’s love. He conjointly mentions that the Stone has been destroyed. Jim Dale audiobooks – Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Download.

Later, at the end-of-year banquet, Dumbledore praises Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Neville for the components they compete in defeating Quirrell. He rewards them by giving Gryffindor house heaps of points. They win the house cup for Gryffindor, and even pass all of their exams. Then, they leave Hogwarts for the summer and half ways in which at the terminus. although it stinks to be returning to the Dursleys, Harry explains what quantity easier his time with them are currently that he will do magic.

The novel opens with an outline of the Dursley family, a upper-middle-class family that lives in very little Whinging, Surrey. Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone audiobook download. Vernon and flower Dursley ar perpetually disturbed that somebody can conclude regarding Petunia’s in spades “unDursleyish” witch sister, Lily, and their worries ar even once Lily’s babe son, Harry, is left on their threshold. liliaceous plant and her husband, James Potter, had been dead by the dark wizard, Voldemort, however once Voldemort tried to kill Harry, his power somehow bust. Harry becomes the sole living person ever to survive the killing curse, and also the solely sign of his encounter with Voldemort may be a distinctive lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead.

As a result of Harry doesn’t have the other living relatives, Albus Dumbledore, the schoolmaster of Hogwarts faculty of sorcery and creativity, decides to go away him with the Dursleys till he’s sufficiently old to attend Hogwarts. Jim Dale Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook.

After 10 years, Harry has mature to become a pale, skinny boy with black hair that sticks up everywhere the place and bright inexperienced eyes. From a young age, Harry is told that his folks were killed in an exceedingly automobile crash however has no different data regarding them, not even a photograph. Harry’s first cousin Dudley dominates the home, bullying Harry along with his gang of friends and being spoiled rotten by Uncle Vernon and aunty flower. Whereas Dudley has 2 bedrooms – one for his bed and one for all of his broken toys – Harry is relegated to the little cabinet below the steps. though he strives to avoid attracting attention, Harry cannot deny that strange things typically happen around him.

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Jim Dale Download. Once aunty flower stop all of his hair in an exceedingly match of frustration, and it grew back to its original length in time for varsity succeeding day. All over again, Harry was being hunted person by Dudley’s gang and suddenly found himself on the room roof.

On Dudley’s eleventh birthday, Harry accompanies the family and Dudley’s relief, Piers Polkiss, to the zoo. whereas Harry is within the craniate house, the glass front of the Constrictor constrictor cage suddenly vanishes. Harry is unable to clarify the incident, however Uncle Vernon blames him anyway and restricts him to the cabinet below the steps till the summer holidays. One day, mysterious letters begin to arrive for Harry. Uncle Vernon refuses to let Harry browse the letter however tells him that it absolutely was addressed to him by mistake.

Over succeeding few days, a lot of and a lot of of the letters arrive within the house, however Uncle Vernon keeps Harry from intercepting any of them. In associate extreme effort to flee from the letters, Uncle Vernon takes the family to a desolate shack on associate island on the night before Harry’s eleventh birthday. Book 1 – Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Audiobook Free.